Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 15: About the Reading

What did you like best about the readings for this class? Are there any general suggestions you would make about how the readings are set up?

I liked the diversity of the readings in this class. I was able to read Greek Mythology, folklore tales that I have never read before, Dante’s Inferno, and Alice in Wonderland, just to name a few. We truly took a trip around the world in literature, which I was not expecting. I think the readings are set up well. Perhaps this would just turn the class into an uncontrollable circus, but if you just posted all of the Units and students got to pick a reading each week, regardless of region that could be fun. I know there were some weeks I wanted to read 4 or 5 of the units from!

Did you find some new reading diary strategies that you used in the second half of the semester?

The first half of the semester I found myself spending too much time on the diary, so the second half I still summarized the story for my later reference but I included much less detail.

What did you think of the overall balance between reading – writing – commenting in the class assignments?

I think the balance is great. Sometimes the storybook commenting seems a little length but this makes sense because it is worth 6 points every week.

Do you think I should offer a reading assignment extra credit option?

I didn’t realize this was a question when I talked about just opening up all units for each week earlier, so this would probably be a way better alternative to my above idea!

As you look back from the end of the semester, what advice do you have for students who will be getting started next semester?

I worked ahead all semester and it was great to have a little leeway in the weekly assignments. Even if you can get one week ahead you’ll be in such a better position than just meeting deadlines each night, which probably gets daunting.

Of the possibilities listed, what do you think would be the most useful priorities?

I definitely think adding more notes to the units would be the most useful. There were times that I got a little confused within the stories and some notes would have been great, but they were also things that I could figure out on my own by going back a few stories or just doing a Google search. I think the introductions are good how they are, I usually chose the units I wanted to read by just reading the first story or two, which is usually enough to get a feel for if you would like the whole unit or not. I honestly don’t pay much attention to the images while I’m reading but they are great to have even if simply for the reason of breaking up the monotony of text. I also think there are plenty of units as is and more notes would be more useful than more reading options. I think the anthology units sound good, but I also noticed simply just be reading different stories that there were hero stories and love stories that seem similar across the world and I would use the weekly essays to talk about that. So the class almost takes care of anthology units on its own!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing these posts, Jeremy - it is such a big help to me! Your comment about how sometimes there were more readings you wanted to do for a give week makes me think that some kind of extra credit reading would be good and would help people explore more of all the great stuff there is to read. And of course I will keep working on adding the notes... it is really fun to do; I just need to find the time, ha ha. Anyway, THANK YOU for your comments here and in the writing post. They are super-helpful and I really appreciate it!
